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Maltofer Oral Iron 30 Tablets

Regular price $29.95 AUD
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Maltofer is an oral iron therapy for the treatment of iron deficiency in adults and adolescents where the use of ferrous iron supplements is not tolerated or is otherwise inappropriate. Many people do not get enough iron from their diet, which can lead to low iron levels.

Maltofer is clinically proven to correct iron levels. Maltofer has fewer gastrointestinal side effects and is less likely to cause constipation compared to ferrous iron supplements. This means less constipation, less nausea, and an effective dose of iron. It’s the kind of iron deficiency treatment many have been waiting for.

Maltofer is available in Australian pharmacies, without a prescription. Maltofer is manufactured in Switzerland and is available in more than 80 countries around the globe.

Controlled iron absorption

Maltofer iron is absorbed by the body in an active and controlled manner. Maltofer‘s active ingredient, iron polymaltose, ensures your body only absorbs the iron that it needs when it is needed, providing reliable correction of iron levels.

Maltofer iron does not require Vitamin C for optimal absorption 

The benefits of being different

Studies have shown that patients taking Maltofer experience:


  • fewer gastrointestinal side effects, such as constipation and nausea*
  • the convenience of taking iron with food
  • fewer interactions with other medicines. Be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other medications
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